Ep 38: From the bottom up, Empowering Women. With Brittany Burnham.

Brittany Burnham from PWR 518 and Mom Boss Maximizer joins us this week to talk about her incredible  journey from surviving on food stamps as a single mom, and teaching fitness in her moms backyard, to owning PWR and becoming a business and empowerment Coach. Britt’s energy is just incredible as we dive into personal growth, and finding ourselves authentically within motherhood and business. Routine, habits and being completely present. How does she do that and balance a family of 6, two businesses and a podcast? She doesn’t. Let’s delegate, shift perspectives and get rid of the busy burnout!! Brittany’s story is so inspirational and will encourage you today. You can find Brittany on Linkedin or follow along on Instagram.
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Ep 38: From the bottom up, Empowering Women. With Brittany Burnham.
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