Ep19: How to Make Food Feel Good. With Lindsay Pleskot.

Registered Dietician Lindsay Pleskot joins us to talk about nutrition, why we get stuck in unhealthy patterns and how to start bringing awareness to how we really feel. All the questions come up in this chat; disordered eating, emotional eating, stress eating. You name it, we talk about it! How do we get to the root of why we feel this way about food as women? Lindsay explains intuitive eating and the 3 types of eating we might come across and need to become mindful of. As a mom of two little ones she touches base on eating with multiple children and how still have inner awareness amongst the chaos. This episode is so relatable no matter where you are in your nutrition journey. I highly recommend it! Lindsay wants everyone to have a great relationship with food and offers her FREE Food journal template she uses with clients to get you started. You can find Lindsay and many more free resources at Lindsaypleskot.com and also follow along on Instagram. 
Ep19: How to Make Food Feel Good. With Lindsay Pleskot.
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